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Brand Protection



Dycyfer™ Technology

NanoPixel-patented micro-mirrors rival holography in the visual effects they are capable of displaying.

Dycyfer™ Micro-Mirror Molded Brandmarks – On-Product Identification

NanoPixel-patented micro-mirrors rival holography in the visual effects they are capable of displaying. Extremely eye-catching reflective or transmissive construction can display a variety of dazzling effects ranging from overt ambient light imagery to covert “direct light” imagery which is revealed via focused light source, such as a smart phone camera flash.

The nature of the micro-mirrors allows us to supply them as “mold marks” for applications in injection molded plastics, silicones, rubber, molten metals including steel, and thermal coatings. Our micro-mirrors have applications in high-liability industries such as aerospace, automotive, sports equipment, precious metals, and other warrantied /guaranteed components where the feature will be physically integrated into the product itself.

Molding a brandmark directly into the product is an economical method to authenticate official brand products when:

  • Product volumes are extremely high;
  • The brandmark must be ON-product, rather than on-packaging materials;
  • Non-additive brandmarking is required in product manufacturing process;
  • The brandmark must survive the entire life of the product, and possibly longer;
  • Product authentication must be very low cost.
NanoPixel brand protection solutions

Dycyfer™ Micro-Mirrors in Shrink-Sleeve Packaging Materials

Our patented micro-mirror brandmark molding can be applied in polystyrene films, polyesters, plastics, and polypropylenes. These materials are widely used to manufacture tamper-evident shrink-sleeves, then shrunk around container openings and lids in filling/packaging facilities, and used in public markets to prevent product pilfering. 

From our experience in brand protection, we’ve learned it is often ideal to apply product authentication features in a packaging material that is torn away and disposed of, to prevent packaging materials re-use.


Skilled Graphics Professionals

For brand-centric messaging designs, engage our uniquely-skilled team of micro-optic graphics professionals.

Unlike standard prepress graphics, our NanoPixel® professionals use proprietary Lumenco® software in ray tracing plus a synergized blend of design and mathematics to create completely custom, dynamic imagery that is eye-catching while maintaining the highest levels of security.

We then reweave that disassociated pixel bitmap back into your recognizable visible image through our proprietary patented pixel interlacing.

NanoPixel® Security Solutions provide “Encryption By Design™”—stunning brand designs that convey your company’s familiar brand and reassuring security messages in attractive 3D floating images create quickly recognizable brandmarks for consumers and distribution partners.